Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring Break already?

February 28, 2009

This week was one of the best I have had in Barcelona. It was Michigan's spring break so my friends Marquan and Jordan came in town. We did alot of touristy things and went out, basically, every night. This week was just a mix of nice dinners, VIP, and walking. They left this morning and I really wish they could have stayed longer. Tuesday night was the best because we went to a Mardi Gras carnival at Sitges. There was a huge parade and all these buses took the barcelona kids there. The buses left at 11 pm and brought us back at 5 am. Breakfast was served on the bus, but I did have class the next day. It actually wasn't bad because my art history class took a field trip to the Picasso museum and it was awesome. Today I think I will wind down and watch a movie.


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