Friday, January 23, 2009

Half Way Through

January 21, 2009
Today is Wednesday and I had a Spanish quiz. WOO-WEE was that thing long. Truth be told, it wasn’t easy either. I think I probably got a B plus though. I can’t complain because I didn’t really study for it. Last night, we all went to a café to use their internet access. We all had our laptops, microphone, ipods, EVERYTHING. Everybody was looking at us, but we didn’t really care. The cashier asked me to help him with English so I told him the name of some food items on the menu. O yeah, yesterday I watched the inauguration on which was good enough. Hannah watched it too which was cool because she voted for McCain and all. We both thought it was really good. Okay so here’s the deal..I’m going to volunteer 4 hours a week at an organization (if I pass the interview process). There are so many interesting ones, but here are my top 3 in no particular order.
1. Hospital Sant Joan Deu- I work with sick kids at the hospital. There parents don’t have time to be with them all day so I would have to sit with them and distract them from their illness and just keep them company. I would read them books, take them to the hospital library, paint, draw, etc.
2. Casal d’Infants del Raval- I would work with underprivileged children by helping them with homework, dance lessons, and artwork. The children in this program belong to different ethnic backgrounds and I think a lot of them are immigrants.
3. Sisal- If I work with this organization, I work solely with senior citizens in Barcelona. Their project is called ‘A granddaughter/grandson for a grandmother/grandfather’. My job is to help my senior citizen with daily life which includes keeping them company, taking them for a stroll, helping them buy groceries, going to the pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions, and playing the occasional games of dominoes or cards. The idea is to make the senior citizens feel as if they have a granddaughter. (I guess they’re all pretty lonely)
What do y’all think I should do?
Hasta luego

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