Thursday, January 8, 2009

Slowly but Surely

January 7, 2009

My roomates from home( hannah, nona, and breese) do not arrive until Monday so I was not thrilled like everyoneelse to move into our apartments. I knew I couldn't take another night like last night so I asked these three girls if I could live with them. They said yes and couldn't believe I was going to have to stay alone. I love it when people know exactly what you're talking about. Today was SO MUCH BETTER. I was just so sad last night, but I made things happen today. I still had to go to my apartment which was cute, but I literally took the tour then took a cab to these girls' apartment. I consider myself to be pretty independent, but with no roomates, no english, no t.v., and in a new city...that was not going to fly. Anyway, the girls I am living with now live in a neighborhood called "El Born". It is really trendy and they have really cute restaurant. My apartment is cuter, but they have a better location. They can walk to school, but I have to take the metro. When I told my orientation leader I was nervous about the metro, she did not understand why. I didn't feel like explaining the Marta system to her in spanish, but I think she caught my drift. The metro is extremely clean, but full of pickpocketers. These people who pick pocket do it as a living, not on the side. My teacher said she's seen so many good tricks that one time she felt like clapping. Sometimes they try to act nice and ask if you want your picture taken.. then jet off with your camera. Other times they ride by on motorcycles and just snatch. The list goes on, but I have been VERY alert which is good and bad. I sure don't want my things getting taken, but I don't like expecting the worst in people and sometimes I think people have hidden agendas when maybe they are just trying to help. Overall, today was better. Tommorrow I have to wake up early and take a placement exam. I'm just SO happy I am not alone in that apartment.
Adeo(goodbye in Catalan)
Robin B.


  1. I told you those nice girls would let you stay with them. Told ya. You think you are happy you are not alone in that apartment, I was about to take flight. Things always work out.

    Lots of love. Call your grandmother when you have time.

  2. Ok Robo! I see you gettin' your spanish on! You know, if someone tries to rob you, you can just chase them down and beat them like they stole somethin...well they would have stole somethin...but you know you must protect the Louis! I never got robbed in Spain, thank the Lord...just stay alert and don't look touristy and you'll be good.

  3. Glad things are working out for you. Be careful honeybunch! Get lots of souvenirs too!
