Monday, January 12, 2009

My friends came!

January 12, 2009
Finally!!! Nona, Breese, and Hannah arrived in Barcelona. I had my first day of class today which went well. I rode the metro and listened to my ipod and had spanish class for two and a half hours... Howeer, after that I sprinted to the metro to meet my friends. I found out their room number and I was ecstatic to see them!!!!! They don't move in until Wednesday, but might consider moving in early. Tonight, Jeanne and I went to club Apollo with some spanish boys, Alex, Ramon, y Guillermo. Guillermo went to Emory for a semester so Jeanne knew him and it was great. He lives walking distance from me so it will be nice to know a local around my age. His house is very nice and he gave us good ham. haha. No, really ham straight from the leg. It's a delicacy. It is 5 am here and I have class tomorrow. Dios Mio!

Robin B.


  1. Lil Missy dont be so busy listening to Lil Wayne in that Ipod that you are not aware of your surroundings. Remember the pick pockets and gypsies are watching!!

  2. Hey Rockin' Robin! So glad your friends made it. Have tons of fun, but dont slack up on the blog :)

  3. Yeah, cuzn dont slack on da blog you have a faithful audience patiently awaiting. Seems to be that your blog is the only one working out right now so keep it current! And be careful.

  4. Robo, that jamon serrano is bangin, right? Glad to see you're enjoying EspaƱa!
